Luxating Elevators
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Luxating Elevators: Precision Tools for Tooth Extraction
Luxating elevators are specialized dental instruments used in tooth extraction procedures to facilitate the atraumatic removal of teeth from the surrounding bone without damaging the adjacent tissues. These precision tools feature thin, sharp blades with a curved or angled design, allowing dentists to luxate or loosen the tooth from its socket with controlled force and minimal trauma. Luxating elevators are particularly useful for extracting teeth with curved or divergent roots, impacted teeth, or teeth in close proximity to vital structures such as nerves and sinuses.
Types of Luxating Elevators:
Curved Luxating Elevators:
Curved luxating elevators have a gently curved blade design, allowing for effective engagement with the tooth’s roots and controlled luxation during extraction procedures. They are suitable for accessing posterior teeth and teeth with curved or divergent root structures.
Angled Luxating Elevators:
Angled luxating elevators feature an angled blade design, enabling dentists to access difficult-to-reach areas and apply controlled force for tooth luxation. They are ideal for extracting teeth in challenging anatomical locations or situations.
Thin Blade Luxating Elevators:
Thin blade luxating elevators feature ultra-thin blades that facilitate precise cutting and luxation of the periodontal ligament, minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissues. They are suitable for delicate extractions and cases requiring minimal bone removal.